Recommended Action: Approve staff recommendations on the following Consent Calendar Items: 7 through 20.
| 7. | Excused Absences
Department(s): City Clerk’s Office
Recommended Action: Excuse the absent members.
| 8. | Minutes from the Special Closed Session and Regular Meeting of September 20, 2022
Department(s): City Clerk’s Office
Recommended Action: Approve minutes.
| 9. | Appoint Nadin Said Nominated by Councilmember Bacerra as the Ward 4 Representative to the Police Oversight Commission for a Full-Term Expiring December 8, 2026
Department(s): City Clerk’s Office
Recommended Action: Appoint Nadin Said to the Police Oversight Commission as the Ward 4 representative and administer Oath of Office.
| 10. | Award a Purchase Order to Siemens Industry, Inc. in the Amount of $400,000 to Automate Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Building Controls at the Ross Annex (Specification No. 23-047) (General Fund)
Department(s): Public Works Agency
Recommended Action: Authorize a one-time purchase order and payment to Siemens Industry, Inc. for the automation of HVAC building controls on the third and fourth floors of the Ross Annex Building in the amount of $356,538, plus a contingency of $43,462 for a total amount not to exceed $400,000, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.
| 11. | Award Purchase Order to Matthews Specialty Vehicles, in the Amount of $439,922, for an F-59 Ford Chassis Book Mobile Conversion Vehicle (Specification No. 23-013) (General Fund and Cannabis Public Benefits Fund)
Department(s): Public Works Agency and Library Services Agency
Recommended Action: Authorize a one-time purchase and payment to Matthews Specialty Vehicles for a 2023 F9 Ford chassis book mobile conversion, in the amount of $414,922, plus a contingency of $25,000 for a total amount not to exceed $439,922, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.
| 12. | Authorize a One-Time Appropriation Adjustment of $500,000 Using General Funds Balance to Increase the FY 2022-23 Annual Amount for Asphalt Pothole Repair by $300,000, and the Remaining $200,000 Will be Issued Through Emergency Purchase Order Procedures to Quickly Improve Service Levels For Pothole Repairs (Specification No. 18-092) (General Fund)
Department(s): Public Works Agency
Recommended Action: 1. Authorize a one-time appropriation of $500,000 using General Fund balance to 01117017 Public Works - Service Enhancements for FY 2022-23 Roadway Maintenance. (Requires five affirmative votes)
2. Approve an amendment to the Purchase Order Contract with All American Asphalt for asphalt pothole repair to increase the current term by $300,000, for a total annual amount not to exceed $1,200,000, and add one, two-year renewal term to the purchase order exercisable by the City Manager and City Attorney, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.
| 13. | Award a Construction Contract to Diamond Construction & Design in the Amount of $1,374,150 for the Kennedy Elementary and Villa Fundamental Intermediate Safe Route to School (SRTS) Project With an Estimated Project Delivery Cost of $1,659,049 (Project No. 20-6963, ATPSB1L-5063(199) (General and Non-General Fund)
Department(s): Public Works Agency
Recommended Action: 1. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program to include $130,000 of funding in General Fund for the Kennedy Elementary and Villa Fundamental Intermediate SRTS.
2. Authorize the reallocation of unspent Measure M2 Local Fairshare funds from various projects; $128,316 from Bike Lane Project Development, $84,733 from Traffic Safety Project Development, and $25,000 from the Jackson Elementary Improvements Project, for a total of $238,047 to the Kennedy Elementary and Villa Fundamental Intermediate SRTS Project to complete the project’s funding requirement.
3. Award a construction contract to Diamond Construction & Design, the lowest responsible bidder, in accordance with the base bid in the amount of $1,374,150, for construction of the Kennedy Elementary and Villa Fundamental Intermediate SRTS Project, for the term beginning April 18, 2023, and ending upon project completion, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney.
4. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost of $1,659,049, which includes $1,374,150 for the construction contract, $147,484 for contract administration, inspection, and testing; and a $137,415 project contingency for unanticipated or unforeseen work.
5. Determine that the recommended actions are exempt from further review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act as Categorical Exemption Environmental Review No. ER-2020-96 was filed for Project 20-6963.
| 14. | Approve Additional Contingency Funds for an Existing Construction Contract with HYM Engineering, in the Amount of $1,198,427, for the Santa Ana Zoo Giant River Otter and Primate Trials Project with an Estimated Project Delivery Cost of $7,798,427 (Project No. 16-2658) (General and Non-General Fund)
Department(s): Public Works Agency
Recommended Action: 1. Approve an amendment to the Project Cost Analysis to recognize $1,198,427 for $1,056,880 in additional contingency funds and $141,547 in additional contract administration, inspection, and testing for a new estimated total construction delivery cost of $7,798,427. The new estimated total construction delivery costs include $5,289,238 for the construction contract, $923,385 for contract administration, inspection, testing, and a $1,585,804 project contingency for unanticipated or unforeseen work, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.
2. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program for $1,198,427.
| 15. | Award a Construction Contract to CJW Construction, Inc. in the Amount of $4,942,135, Approve an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 CIP, and Approve Amendment to the Agreement with J. Smith & T. Muli, Inc. to Increase the Contract for the Centennial Lake Circulation Renovation Project with an Estimated Total Delivery Cost of $6,179,135 (Project No. 18-2681) (Revive Santa Ana program)
Department(s): Public Works Agency
Recommended Action: 1. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program to include $1,342,240 of funding in American Rescue Plan Funds for the Centennial Lake Circulation Renovation project.
2. Award a construction contract to CJW Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in accordance with the base bid in the amount of $4,942,135, for the construction of the Centennial Lake Circulation Renovation Project, for a term beginning April 18, 2023, and ending upon project completion, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney.
3. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost of $6,179,135, which includes $4,942,135 for the construction contract; $742,000 for contract administration, inspection, and testing; and a $495,000 project contingency for unanticipated or unforeseen work.
4. Authorize the City Manager to execute the first amendment to the agreement with J. Smith & T. Muli, Inc. to increase the Contract Amount by $11,500, for a total amount not to exceed $61,391, for lake engineering and construction services for the remaining term of the agreement, beginning May 20, 2022 through December 31, 2023, including up to two additional one-year periods upon a writing executed by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023-XXX).
5. Determine the recommended actions are exempt for further review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act as Categorical Exemption Environmental Review No. ER-2023-31 was filed for Project 18-2681.
| 16. | Approve Agreements with Hillsborough Fence Company, J & A Engineering Corporation, and Quality Fence Co. Inc., for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $3,000,000, for up to a Five-Year Term for As-Needed Installation, Maintenance, and Repair for Fencing and Gate Services (Non-General Fund)
Department(s): Public Works Agency
Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute agreements with Hillsborough Fence Company, J & A Engineering Corporation, and Quality Fence Co. Inc. to provide on-call installation, maintenance, and repair for fencing and gates, for a shared aggregate amount not to exceed $3,000,000 for a three-year term beginning April 18, 2023 and expiring April 18, 2026, with provisions for two, one-year extensions, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023-XXX).
| 17. | Approve Agreements with AESCO, Inc., Kleinfelder, Inc., and RMA Group, Inc., for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $2,950,000, for On-Call Material Testing and Special Inspection Services (Non-General Fund)
Department(s): Public Works Agency
Recommended Action: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Caltrans federally procured agreement with AESCO, Inc., Kleinfelder, Inc., and RMA Group, Inc. to provide On-Call Material Testing and Special Inspection Services, for a shared aggregate amount not to exceed $950,000, for a term beginning April 18, 2023 and expiring July 5, 2024, with provisions for two, one-year extensions, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023-XXX).
2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the first amendment to the standard agreement with AESCO, Inc., Kleinfelder, Inc., and RMA Group, Inc. to provide On-Call Material Testing and Special Inspection Services, and increase the contract amount by $1,000,000 for a total amount not to exceed $2,000,000, for the remaining term through July 5, 2024, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023-XXX).
| 18. | Approve First Amendment to Agreement with Elite Special Events, Inc. to Increase the Not-to-Exceed Amount by $20,000 per Year through June 30, 2023, for a Total Agreement Amount of $38,050, to Provide Event Equipment and Services at Various City Events (General Fund)
Department(s): Parks, Recreation, and Community Services
Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute the first amendment to the agreement with Elite Special Events to provide event equipment and services for various City events, to increase the amount by $20,000, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $38,050, through June 30, 2023, subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (Agreement No. 2023-XXX).
| 19. | Historic Property Preservation Agreement
Department(s): Planning and Building Agency
Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the attached Mills Act agreement with the below-referenced property owners for the identified structure(s), subject to non-substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney (includes determination that the proposed project is exempt from further review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as the following Categorical Exemption will be filed for this project: ER No. 2023-10).
Property Owner(s), Historic Property Preservation Agreement No., Address/House, Vote by HRC
Brian and Krystle Newquist, 2023-01, 2311 N. Benton Way, 8:1:0:0 (Murashie dissented) (Agreement No. 2023-XXX)
| 20. | Adopt a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Accept the California Automated Permit Processing Program Grant in the Amount of $100,000 and Execute the Grant Agreement with the State of California Energy Commission, and Approve an Appropriation Adjustment Recognizing Funds
Department(s): Planning and Building Agency
Recommended Action: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2023-XXX
A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AUTHORIZING THE RECEIPT OF FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION FOR THE CALIFORNIA AUTOMATED PERMIT PROCESSING PROGRAM (includes determination that the proposed action is exempt from further review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines as there is no potential for any environmental impact).
2. Approve an appropriation adjustment recognizing the CalAPP grant funds, in the amount of $100,000, to revenue account number and appropriate same to expenditure account numbers. (Requires five affirmative votes)