Special City Council Meeting Agenda
October 28, 2024


22 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92701
Valerie Amezcua
Thai Viet Phan
Mayor Pro Tem – Ward 1

      Benjamin Vazquez
Councilmember - Ward 2


Jessie Lopez
Councilmember - Ward 3

      Phil Bacerra
Councilmember - Ward 4


Johnathan Ryan Hernandez
Councilmember - Ward 5

      David Penaloza
Councilmember - Ward 6

Mayor and Council telephone: 714-647-6900
Agenda item inquiries: 714-647-6520
Sonia R. Carvalho
City Attorney

Alvaro Nuñez
City Manager

Jennifer L. Hall
City Clerk In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this Meeting, contact Michael Ortiz, City ADA Program Coordinator, at (714) 647-5624. Notification 48 hours prior to the Meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. The City Council agenda and supporting documentation can be found on the City’s website –
The City of Santa Ana is committed to achieving a shared vision for the organization and its community. The Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles (Values) are the result of a thoughtful and inclusive process designed to set the City and organization on a course that meets the challenges of today and tomorrow, as follows:

Vision - The dynamic center of Orange County which is acclaimed for our: Investment in youth • Safe and healthy community • Neighborhood pride • Thriving economic climate • Enriched and diverse culture • Quality government services

Mission - To deliver efficient public services in partnership with our community which ensures public safety, a prosperous economic environment, opportunities for our youth, and a high quality of life for residents.

Guiding Principles - Collaboration • Efficiency • Equity • Excellence • Fiscal Responsibility • Innovation • Transparency

Code of Ethics and Conduct - At the Special Municipal Election held on February 5, 2008, voters approved an amendment to the City Charter which established the Code of Ethics and Conduct for elected officials and members of appointed boards, commissions, and committees to assure public confidence. The following are the core values expressed: • Integrity • Honesty • Responsibility • Fairness • Accountability • Respect • Efficiency

Members of the public may attend the City Council meeting in-person or join via Zoom. As a courtesy to the public, the City Council meeting will occur live via teleconference Zoom webinar. You may view the meeting from your computer, tablet, or smart phone via YouTube LiveStream at or on CTV3, available on Spectrum channel 3.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public who wish to address the City Council on closed session items or items on the special agenda, may do so by one of the following ways: 

  • MAILING OPTION written communications – Public comments may be mailed to: Office of the City Clerk, 20 Civic Center Plaza M-30, Santa Ana, CA 92701. All written communications received via mail by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be distributed to the City Council and imaged into the City’s document archive system which is available for public review.
  • SENDING E-MAIL OPTION – Public comments may be sent via email to the City Clerk’s office at [email protected]. Please note the agenda item you are commenting on in the subject line of the email. All emails received two (2) hours before the scheduled start of the meeting will be distributed to the City Council and imaged into the City’s document archive system which is available for public review.
  • LIVE VIRTUAL OPTION – As a courtesy, members of the public may provide live comments during the meeting by Zoom or Conference Call. To join by Zoom click on or type the following address into your web browser To join the Conference Call: Dial (669) 900-9128 and enter MEETING ID: 315 965 149#. You will be prompted by the City Clerk when it is time for a: i) special agenda item. You may request to speak by dialing *9 from your phone or you may virtually raise your hand from Zoom. After the Clerk confirms the last three digits of the caller’s phone number or Zoom ID and unmutes them, the caller must press *6 or microphone icon to speak. Callers are encouraged, but not required, to identify themselves by name. Each caller will be provided three (3) minutes to speak, unless due to the number of speakers wanting to speak a decision is made to provide a different amount of time to speak.
  • IN-PERSON OPTION - Members of the public can provide in-person comments at the podium in the Council Chamber. The Council Chamber will have seating available for members of the public to attend the meeting in-person. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, unless a different time is announced by the presiding chair. Speakers who wish to address the Council must do so by submitting a “Request to Speak” card by 5:30 p.m. Cards will not be accepted after the Public Comment Session begins without the permission of the presiding chair.

The following designated public comment periods are:
1. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON SPECIAL AGENDA ITEMS ONLY – You can provide comments by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the LIVE or IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speaker queue will open at 5:00 p.m. YOU MUST JOIN ZOOM OR THE CONFERENCE CALL and raise your hand PRIOR TO 5:30 p.m. Speakers who are not in the speaker queue with their hand raised by 5:30 p.m. will not be permitted to speak.
TRANSLATION SERVICES - Spanish interpreting services are provided at City Council meetings. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation is provided through the use of headsets and consecutive interpretation (Spanish-to-English) in addition to those wishing to address the City Council at the podium. 

La ciudad provee servicios de interpretación al español en las juntas del Consejo.  La interpretación simultánea al español se ofrece por medio del uso de audífonos y la interpretación consecutiva (español a inglés) también está disponible para cualquiera que desee dirigirse al consejo municipal en el podio.

About the Agenda

To download or view the attachments (staff report and other supporting documentation) for each agenda item, you must select the agenda item to see the attachments to either open in a new link (the eyeball) or download a pdf (the cloud symbol with the down arrow).

ATTENDANCE Council Members Phil Bacerra
    Johnathan Ryan Hernandez
    Jessie Lopez
    David Penaloza
    Benjamin Vazquez
  Mayor  Pro Tem Thai Viet Phan
Valerie Amezcua
  City Manager Alvaro Nuñez
  City Attorney Sonia R. Carvalho
  City Clerk Jennifer L. Hall




PUBLIC COMMENTS – Members of the public may address the City Council only on items listed on the special meeting agenda.

Discuss and Address Potential Remedies Regarding the Investigator’s Sustained Findings Regarding Councilmember Johnathan Ryan Hernandez and Take Potential Action or Direct Staff Accordingly




ADJOURNMENT – Adjourn the special City Council meeting.

POSTING STATEMENT: On October 24, 2024, a true and correct copy of this agenda was posted at the entrance to City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Internet Access to City Council, Agency, and Authority agendas and related material is available prior to meetings at